Luggage Transport Survey

In March 2019, we conducted a two-week survey on luggage transport. The reason for this was a request from a taxi company that would like to offer luggage transport tailored to our stages. Here is the result of the poll:

poll result

Would luggage transport along the stages presented here be of interest to you?

  • Yes, gladly for the entire 10 stages! (56%, 30 votes)
  • Yes, but 3-5 stages with luggage transport are enough for me. (28%, 15 votes)
  • No, I always carry my luggage myself on long-distance hikes. (17%, 9 votes)

Total survey participants: 54

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We were a bit surprised at how great the interest in luggage transport is. Therefore, with our support, CostaBravaTaxi now has a tailor-made one Luggage transport for the Camí de Ronda developed.